Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Recently I have been learning about how to pick the best angles for taking pictures. Using unusual angles such as lying down or, turning the camera to focus on the object can create a better outcome or pretty perspective. Make sure you fill in the frame with the whole object. When your taking a picture of a building, make sure you step back to get the whole picture.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Im deciding to post all my pictures this coming weekend! Today I am going to share a few things i've learned. I have recently been learning how to choose a different type of setting on my camera. I've also been really interested in photographing my friends. To photograph a person, you turn the dial to a picture of a face. If you are photographing a plant or flower you change the dial to another setting with a tulip.📷🌷👱

Thursday, April 13, 2017

I am uploading pictures as soon as possible. I have not  had time lately. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

I took soooo many pictures over spring break! I hope to have them uploaded by this week! I took time to learn how to get good quality photos with my moms help.🎈📷🗻 .

Friday, March 10, 2017

I am headed to spring break this week! I am flying out to Colorado on Tuesday. 
I am bringing my camera and my phone and will be taking many pictures. I am excited to upload them and explain them next week. ッ 

Friday, March 3, 2017

I've learned that keeping up with uploading pictures is pretty difficult. I have a few pictures i want to upload but i'm going to wait and them next week, so i can have a full explanation on how i did the pictures, because i used the same advise from my mentor to take all of them. 💗😉💖

Friday, February 24, 2017

This is a link to a photographer i found and really like:     http://www.reneebowen.com

Post #2

I'm kind of behind on my proposal. I was supposed to upload my first photo last week but, i was absent from school and have been sick, so that didn't happen. I will try to upload my picture this weekend. I have been learning things though. 

My mother has given me some advise on photography. I was learning how to correctly focus the camera. I've chosen my mom as a mentor because she is really good at taking pictures. So, this weekend i will upload my picture.😊 I will describe more of what i learned when i post my picture.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Project Proposal

Emma Pope
Proposal: Photography
Learning how to take professional pictures
Needs and Opportunities
I’ve always wanted to learn to take good pictures so I will benefit from this. This project will be a learning and growing experience for me because I’ve always wanted to learn how to take good pictures. My goals are to be able to take good quality pictures, with my good camera and IPhone 7.
Audience / Clients / User   My audience may be people like me. People who are starting from no intelligence of photography to learning and growing.

Mentors   My mom will help me and be my mentor during this project. She likes to take pictures and has been to some photography classes recently. I will use her advice to help me with my project.


February 17
Upload my very first picture onto blog
February 24
Talk about how I took my picture +describe what I’ve learned from it- upload onto blog
March 3
Upload second picture
March 10
Explain about my second picture, how and what different styles I used from taking it.
March 24
Upload 4th and 5th picture
March 31
Explain about 4th and 5th picture
April 7
Take 6th picture
April 14
Explain about what I learned
April 21
Take 7th picture
April 28
Explain all I have learned since the start+ how far I’ve come along.
May 5 (Prep for Presentation Day)
Get everything together for presentation , possibly upload an 8th picture.
May 12 (Presentation Day)
Get ready to present

This spring I will show how far along I have come with the quality of my pictures.   
On presentation day I am using my laptop to do a slideshow of all the pictures I have taken over the semester.
Reality Check
I have a pretty nice Nikon camera at home that I got for Christmas that I will use to take pictures. I also have a pretty good quality camera on my IPhone 7.
Possible Roadblocks
I do predict some roadblocks in the future. If I come to not being able to upload a picture on a certain date, I will just work in time to upload it within the next few days.
I’m really excited about this project because I love to take pictures but am not always the best at it, so I can’t wait to learn!!